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产品编号: 4064665099638
重量: 80 g
售价: HK$99.00 HK$99.00

这是一款来自 OPI 的 Infinite Shine 系列的指甲油产品。以下是一些关键信息:

容量: 15ml
颜色: 灰色/中性色调

这款指甲油采用了 OPI 的 ProStay™ 技术,能够持久保持光泽和颜色。它具有以下特点:

  • 持久耐用,可持续7-10天不易掉色
  • 光泽亮丽,呈现有光泽的美甲效果
  • 易于涂抹,刷毛柔软顺滑
  • 快干定型,干燥时间短
  • 无甲醛丶DBP 和甲苯等有害成分


  1. 先清洁并准备好指甲表面
  2. 涂抹一层 OPI Infinite Shine 底油
  3. 接着涂两层 OPI Infinite Shine - ISLF003 - MEDI-TAKE IT ALL IN 色釉
  4. 最后涂抹一层 OPI Infinite Shine 光亮护甲油




Application Instructions:

  1. Make sure the nail surface is clean, dry, and free of any oil or residue. You can use a nail dehydrator or alcohol prep pad to ensure the nails are properly prepared.

  2. Apply one thin, even coat of the OPI Infinite Shine base coat. Allow it to dry completely, which should take about 1-2 minutes.

  3. Next, apply two thin, even coats of the OPI Infinite Shine - ISLF003 - MEDI-TAKE IT ALL IN color. Let each coat dry for 1-2 minutes in between applications.

  4. Finish with one coat of the OPI Infinite Shine top coat. This seals in the color and adds high-shine, long-lasting protection.

Drying Time:

  • Base Coat: 1-2 minutes
  • First Color Coat: 1-2 minutes
  • Second Color Coat: 1-2 minutes
  • Top Coat: 2-3 minutes

The overall drying time can vary depending on environmental factors like temperature and humidity, but you should allow 5-7 minutes for the entire application process to fully dry and set.

OPI claims this Infinite Shine formula provides up to 11 days of wear without chipping or peeling when used with the base and top coats. The quick-dry formula helps minimize smudging and allows you to go about your day sooner.



  1. Avoid Touching the Nails:
  • Try to keep your hands elevated and avoid resting your freshly painted nails on any surfaces.
  • Don't use your nails to touch or pick at things while the polish is drying.
  1. Use a Drying Accelerator:
  • Apply a quick-dry or drying accelerator topcoat after the color polish. This helps speed up the drying time.
  • OPI's Infinite Shine Top Coat is designed for this purpose.
  1. Blow on the Nails:
  • Gently blow air across the surface of the nails to help the polish dry faster.
  • You can use a small handheld fan or even just your own breath.
  1. Keep Nails Elevated:
  • Rest your hands on a flat surface and keep your nails elevated, rather than having them lay flat.
  • This prevents the nail beds from touching any surfaces.
  1. Avoid Water and Chemicals:
  • Steer clear of water, soap, and harsh chemicals until the polish is fully dry and set, usually 30 minutes to an hour.
  1. Apply Thin, Even Coats:
  • Thick coats of polish take much longer to dry than thin, even applications.
  • Be sure to let each coat dry completely before adding the next.

Following these tips can help minimize the risk of smudging or messing up your freshly painted nails while the OPI Infinite Shine formula dries. 


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